The surrounding area is heavily forested. There is a pathway down to the lake which is surrounded by the high walls of the crater. The smell of sulfur is quite strong because there is a sulfurous gas bubbling from the crater. There are tracks around Kawah Putih and through the nearby forest including to the peak of Patuha Mountain.
By the way, there are alots of interesting things to do in Kawah putih. Check this things to do list when you are in kawah putih.
1.Take a photograph
This is the top list activity in Kawah Putih. Actually, kawah putih is amazing sulphuric lake. So it has beautiful scenery surrounding with misty hill, and greeny water. So, the first thing to do and appear in your mind is to take a picture of it. This sulphuric lake that surrounding by evergreen landscape should be recorded by camera or video. If you familiar with selfie, this is nice spot.The beauty of Kawah Putih also makes it a favourite place for those who enjoy photography. This place has been known as one of the favorite site for photographic session, including pre wedding. There are also professional photographer that visiting Kawah Putih, particularly hunting for this magnificent scenery.
2. Take a Walk arroud the lake
White crater is located near the exotic market town of Ciwidey, it is about 25 Kilometers from Bandung. You can go to Kawah putih with your friends, your family or someone you loved. If you are not about taking a picture you can just enjoy your time by walking around this white crater. Enjoying the romantic scenery and seeing the misty lake will be unforgetable momment with someone you loved. You also can sit in the various shelters near the lake.3. Do Contemplation
Another things to do in Kawah Putih is contemplation. For several people, holiday is the best time to release stress and enjoy your self. Kawah Putih is one of the best place to refresh your mind and soul and you get re-energized from stress of your daily hectic activities. You can release your burdens of life and enjoying your time there. The mystical atmosphere of Kawah Putih also makes you relax and also you can take deep breath then fell free.4. Eat
Around the second parking area near Kawah Putih, there are many food stall. They serve Mie Kocok, instant noodles, meatball, grilled corn, soft drink, and traditional drinks such as Bandrek and Bajigur. Along the way to Kawah Putih there are also many vendors sell strawberry from local plantation. People also can pluck the strawberry from the bush by themselves.5. Enjoying Hot Spring
Around Kawah Putih There are 3 hot springs : Patuha, Cimanggu and Walini. Each hot spring has it’s own characteristic. And in Walini hot spring there are some swimming pools full of hot water originally from the mountain. There are a lot of benefit you can get from the hot spring. First, the water contains specific mineral which is good for your skin, then the hot water also help to relaxing your muscle. Enjoying hot spring is a must to do in Kawah Putih.6. Walk around tea plantation
After you have the hot spring, you can continue your adventure by exploring the tea plantation, you just walk around following the small path of the tea plantation or seeing the people plucking the tea leave.You can explore Kawah Putih for the whole day, but it is not enough. You need more than one day to enjoy it all, and Kawah Putih is one of the stunning destination in Bandung, but there are so many another spot in Bandung.
So, hope you enjoy it, those 6 things to do in Kawah Putih.
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